How To Spot A Fake Profile On Matrimonial Websites

Matrimonial platforms and websites have just about replaced the traditional matchmakers in our country. These platforms are flooded with a pool of candidates, from across the globe – making them the perfect spot for individuals, even parents, for finding the perfect bride or groom to spend the rest of their lives with.

The worrisome part is that these platforms which were once made to meet a potential partner have turned into a hotspot for romance scammers to find their next target. There have been multiple instances where people have been duped and scammed by “partners” whom they’ve found on matrimonial sites. And the truth is that most of these profiles have red flags pinned all over them. Therefore, it’s vital to stay vigilant and proceed with utmost care and caution.

Listed below are some signs and patterns that one should watch out for while scouting for a partner.

  • Watch out for frequent edits on their profile: Scamming people on matrimonial profiles is a matter of trial and error. Thus, individuals who create fake profiles, usually make frequent edits about not just their vices but also their basic information like caste, occupation, religion, etc. to match the needs of their target. One needs to keep a lookout for such changes and immediately disconnect as soon as they notice such drastic alterations on their profile.
  • They avoid involving their family: While looking for prospects on matrimonial sites, family involvement is almost inevitable. However, if the person on the other side tries to keep the details of their family under wraps, take it as a warning sign. Scammers are pretty guarded when asked about their family, or they cook up a sob story to keep them out of the equation altogether.
  • Inconsistency in information and details: Every profile requires the individual to enter in certain details about themselves. Paying attention to those details and tallying them with what they’re sharing personally is crucial. In case of any inconsistencies, move forward with extreme caution.
  • Boasting about a lavish lifestyle: The ultimate goal of a swindler is to lure their target in. To do so, they resort to bragging about their occupation, bank balance, and social lifestyle. They tend to have an inflated sense of self and try to appear superior in comparison to other candidates. Photographs of cars, properties, and travel are the highlight of their profile. In case there’s any unnecessary flashing of assets, beware! there are high chances that it’s all a ruse.
  • Lack of social media presence: In today’s day and age, all lives revolve around social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Anyone who isn’t present on these platforms is likely to have a suspicious backstory. Social media ensures the real identity of the individual, while also backing the information and details they have provided on matrimonial websites. If their account has low activity or friends, it’s rather shady.

While one can take such measures from their end, to be extremely sure, one can always reach out to private investigators.

Our team of detectives perform result-oriented pre as well as post matrimonial investigations that include background and employment verification, asset evaluation, social reputation, etc.

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